Cool collaboration with Zapit 🤝

Recently we teamed up with Zapit, a bitcoin cash wallet with non-custodial peer-to-peer services integrated into it.

They find a cool way to help you surfing in the BCH community: learning meanwhile earning ZAPT tokens! 🌊

Time to earn ZAPT tokens by supporting Satoshi’s Angels 💚 Here is a small tutorial 👇

How to earn ZAPT tokens GIF.gif

Our tasks are now live in Zapit wallet. Download and have some BCH fun!🌞


✨P.S. Zapit is looking for businesses and projects to advertise using the tasks! Contact us through email or through telegram @zapit_io if interested ;)


First Virtual Meetup of BCH Adoption Leaders in Latin America Recap


Announcing new partner: CoinPartner 📢